~ From off-the-track thoroughbred to sport horse ~
Equine Assisted Psychotherapy
Challenge yourself to face your mirror… Challenge yourself to learn to feel in the moment, to accept your feelings, and be offered comfort and compassion in the arena. Experience yourself in a unique way out of the office with the guidance of horses- truly unique individuals who are highly tuned to sense your feelings and mirror them back to you. With the guidance of a therapist, it provides insight into behaviors discounted or avoided in the office, often times aiding to shortcut the often times length therapeutic process.
Interacting with our herd is beneficial for children, teenagers, and adults. They can be used with individuals, couples, families, and groups. Activities can be directed towards one time interaction or a succession of interactions. Our ex-race horses need a number of re-introduction experiences. By joining in their journey, give yourself the opportunity to also gain a sense of importance and tether to the world.